Where on (Google) Earth? #153

I missed the exciting news while I was working away this week, but I won the last WoGE challenge over at Green Gabbro! I suppose it was high time I started advertising my quiet little blog here anyway. Hello to the geoblogosphere! Since I am new to this, there is a risk that I will pick a spot that has already been done. I don’t really have time to go through 151 pictures and check! So apologies in advance for that. I did look at a handful and it seems pretty land-heavy, so I’ll imitate Green Gabbro and give you another water location.

The rules: find this spot on Google Earth and post the coordinates, plus a little description of the geology. First one to get it right wins! Winner hosts the next challenge. Schott’s rule seems a little harsh (an hour is a long time in the internets!), so I’m using an amended Schott’s rule where you have to wait 20 minutes for each previous win.

Here is your next Where on (Google) Earth? challenge:

WoGE #153

WoGE #153

Good luck!

(Note that first-time commenters go to the mod queue, but I’ll approve them as fast as I can.)

ETA: This post went up at 9:30am EST.